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Restoring physical, mental and emotional balance

With the benefits of massage and exercise physiology techniques provided by a qualified practitioner,  myofunctional therapy optimises

the muscular self-repair mechanism to recover from exercise and injury, 

to avoid injury altogether and/or to simply relax.


Partnered with our behavioural understanding of dogs through our background in canine training, we are able to provide a holistic treatment for our canine clients, with more than just physical ailments. 


Our priority is the health and wellbeing of our canine clients so they can walk, run, play, and continue doing all the fun doggy things that they enjoy.



Myofunctional Therapy
  • Remedial Massage

Improves blood and lymph circulation, detox pathways, increased nutritional uptake, relieves stress and improves joint mobility


  • Injury Rehab Massage

Holistic massage therapy to improve range of motion and reduce inflammation


  • Sport Massage

Priming the body for athletic activity, relieving muscular tension and promoting recovery to reduce post-exercise muscle fatigue


  • Pole Exercises

Just like us humans receiving physio exercises, these prehab movements for canines are designed to improve joint articulation and controlled muscle flexion/extension

Other Services


  • Puppy's  Introduction to Massage

Creating the condition for your puppy to calm down and get used to being touched.  We also assess the home environment to support growing bones lifelong skeletal health and provide suitable training and exercises.   Basic puppy training is also available on request.




At Happy Stride, we believe that physical, mental and emotional health is the key to ultimate wellbeing and that these often work hand-in-hand.


Just like humans, our canine friends need to look after their physical health through constant care and maintenance. Basic bodily functions from physical movement to the respiratory system and blood and lymph circulation all rely on soft tissue performance as part of the musculoskeletal system. As such, optimal musculoskeletal health is essential for vitality. 


After performing a combination of specific visual and soft tissue assessment, we apply different types of massage treatment with specialist hand skills & tactile sensitivity aiming at addressing the cause of the problems and giving them relief.



June is a fully qualified Canine Myofunctional Therapist and dog trainer. Her passion is to improve the quality of life for your dogs, and to provide all the tools necessary to help to create the best dog-and-owner relationship.


On the side, she publishes regular articles for the Japanese Animal Education Association members' magazine and also makes a guest appearance on a Japanese radio program, 'Woof Woof Wonderful!'.



Dip. Canine Myofunctinal Therapy

(National College of Traditional Medicine)

Cert.III Dog Behaviour & Training

(National Dog Trainers Federation)


International Institute for Complementary Therapists




9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Monday - Saturday

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