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Lack of balance in Body + Mind + Emotion manifests in behaviour

Updated: Jul 25, 2020

If you have studied Dog Behaviour, you will know that problem behaviours, especially aggression, is not necessarily all caused by some underlying anxiety-based mental health disorders such as fear, trauma, past negative experiences or genetic factors. They are in fact often associated with or caused by physical pain.

According to an article published by a group of Veterinary Behaviour specialists in February 2020, ‘Pain and Problem Behaviour in Cats and Dogs ‘, a conservative estimate of around a third of referred cases involve some form of painful condition, and in some instances, the figure may be as large as 80%. This study contributes to my findings, that an animal’s psychology of mind, emotions and ultimately behaviour, are impacted by their physical wellbeing, and this is where Canine Myofunctional Therapy can help manage an animal’s health condition and enhance the wellness of dogs.

Dogs are brilliant in hiding and disguising pain and will act as if nothing is bothering them even when something is most definitely wrong. Many dog owners often do not know what’s really happening in their animal’s body.

Even though your dog may not demonstrate a problem behaviour, it is very important to get their musculoskeletal conditions checked regularly by a professionally trained CMT specialist starting from an early stage of their life. This is essential as the animal may have an irregularity/physical problem that is not visible to the untrained eye. Moreover, even if the animal has experienced an injury in the past which has been treated, the residual experience of pain may cause a behaviour problem which may not be fixed or addressed so easily. Therefore, making sure that their musculoskeletal system is functioning at the optimum level when they are still puppies, or over the dog’s lifetime, will also help eliminate the potential behavioural issues in the future, which not only makes a happy & healthy dog but also make your life much easier and happier.



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